Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Abel Danger "The Show Must Go On" - Tasmanian Times

Dear Editor,

I became aware of TT after the unfortunate incident involving MH370 and the failure by all parties to find any evidence that it crashed, ditched, or was destroyed in the air — which leads me to a Sherlockian-type conclusion that “once eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth”. I understand that the leadership at your outlet believes in the Truth and I am one of the public faces of a Global Private Intelligence Agency that believes all citizens of the world are entitled to the truth.
It is my pleasure and mandate to fly the same profile in a B777 simulator in the next 60 hours at a location that will be published immediately after filming is ‘in the can’. What you can anticipate being filmed is a routine and professional departure from Kuala Lumpur, routine climb, level off and progress to BIDOT intersection. At that point an outside entity will CRAM “Leg 2” into the FMS and the simulator will begin a turn to 280 degrees and will fly for over 30 minutes with me as the Captain and a person in the First Officer seat capable of doing nothing to regain control of the simulator. In keeping with the Australian simulator and the CNN Canadian simulator our time in the device will be one hour or less. At the end of the demonstration the B777 will Autoland on Diego Garcia and come to a routine and safe stop on the runway centerline. At that point we may film a debriefing to answer any questions and it is my current belief that a YouTube of the event will be up before midnight, Washington DC/New York time.

Field McConnell


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